Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cheap Grace

Last week I was telling my summer small group that it's easier for me to make up excuses for people when they act ridiculous than it is to accept that maybe they're just not kind/smart/considerate/(fill in the blank) at that particular moment. 

I'll make up crazy things when people whip around me on the highway going 20+ miles over the speed limit like obviously there's an emergency they need to get to. I can convince myself of this even as they fly by the exit with a big H on it. OR when someone leaves their cart in the aisle in the middle of the grocery store. I'll think, maybe their child threw a tantrum and they just had to leave. I can come up with an excuse for most any behavior. And I think I do this because it just makes it easier to cope. Do you do this? It totally makes it easier for me to extend grace in the situation and not judge people. 

And after I had explained this at our study,  I left to go back to work. In that drive I felt incredibly convicted that I was cheapening God's grace. My thoughts make it easier for me to deal with a situation, but in many cases I'm probably lying lying to myself. God's Grace is infinitely greater than a grocery cart in the middle of an aisle. If I really think about what Jesus lived his life for, reducing his grace seems absurd.  In truth, God's grace is vast and more than enough for me to forgive the actions of those around me without excuses and without judgement. In truth his grace for us cost him much. It wasn't easy and I don't expect that it will be easy to change habits, but I am determined to try. 

What have you been suddenly and deeply convicted of?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Glorious Weekend

Hello Friends!
I hope everyone had a great time celebrating the Risen Lamb this weekend!  The weekend was a little busy for me, which was kind of unfortunate, but I am still thankful and loved celebrating at the 7:07 service last night.

I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing.  Please use this post to comment on what awesome things have been happening in your life (Jesus or running related).  Also, if something is difficult right now then post that too so the rest of us can pray for and encourage you.  As always, I will start the comments.  Don't leave me out there by myself!

Love you all!